Bathroom wooden cabinets make bathrooms spacious

Mostly older homes will not have enough space in the bathroom. They will have little space for shelves, storage and Bathroom cabinets. Modern homeowners need to use their creativity in storing the daily necessities without being cluttered around for everyone to see. Of course, it compromises on privacy and provides a cluttered appearance for the guests. When you go for the wooden cabinets in the bathroom they will provide you with maximum space with style and homeliness provided by wood. Let’s see here some of the bathroom cabinet solutions.

Sliding Door Cabinets
These are used in the traditional ways of a medicine cabinet and will help in maximising the unused space. For instance, if you are looking for a space to put the toilet brush and plunger without leaving it out on the floor then you might keep it near the toilet. Mostly older bathrooms do not have enough space between the toilet and the wall. You cannot even install any cabinet with a traditional swinging door. Under the circumstances, it is ideal to go for sliding doors which help in the quick and easy access and the things can also be kept discreetly. These can be customised and can make it match the colour of your bathroom.

Medicine Chests
When you go for traditional medicinal chests, it normally protrudes from the wall. It only has narrow shelves and with these days of larger sized products only a few items will fit in. You can replace it with a customised medicine chest so that you can store to the maximum. It can be mounted in the wall rather than on the wall. There will always be enough room between the cabinets and the wall of the next room just behind it. When you put in the new medicine chest, you will have a large space for storing creams, bottles of aspirin, deodorant and even medication. Some of them even come with a mirror.

Multi-Purpose Cabinets
You also have to provide room for tissue dispenser, bathroom magazine rack, toilet paper roll, few shelves for knick-knacks as well as necessities which will occupy more space than what is available. Each one will have its own location and will come with trim and space around it. It is ideal to put them all in one location so that it occupies less space. When you go for a modular construction each element will be above the next and will appear neat and tidy. It also prevents from having to turn around to different parts of your bathroom.
Apart from the above, you can also go for lamp online India, to illuminate your bathroom effectively. Of course, this will add to the décor of your bathroom along with the bathroom wooden cabinets.


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